This paper circulates around the core theme of We want to make an assignment on Statistics and Business research Method. together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
We want to make an assignment on Statistics and Business research Method. My topic is Business Process Re Engineering in relation to ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning). I will upload 2 documents here, one will contain information on how to do the assignment and the another document is my assignment on this topic. On this topic the assignment already been done as a initial research proposal in 1000 words, but now I have to make the same assignment by adding 1000 words more to make it 2000 words. In my given document there r 9 questions to follow up to make the whole assignment, but some of the questions already done in my initial research proposal, so you can copy this from my assignment. Now in this assignment I want you to go through following steps: Regarding question 1) Topic already selected and you can copy the rest of the part from my given assignment, but please add more detailed information to make it more attractive. Regarding question 2) This part is new, you have to make 2 pages of literature review (most important part of this assignment, please focus on this more). Regarding question 3) Please copy it from my assignment and add some more questions to make it more attractive or if you want you can change the given questions in my assignment. Regarding question 4): Please copy it from my assignment and add some more information to make it more attractive, in my assignment there is not much information given. Regarding question 5): Do not want. Regarding question 6): Please copy it from my assignment and add some more information to make it more attractive, in my assignment this part also too small. Regarding question 7): Please copy it from my assignment and add some more information to make it more attractive ( if you think u should add). Regarding question 8): Please copy it from my assignment and add some more information to make it more attractive. Regarding question 9): Do not want. References: your references and my given references. Please Do the assignment as I have written here, please read very carefully and make it perfect. So basically I want this assignment to make 2000 words all together(including my given 1000 words). I hope you will understand everything here. If you have any questions please ask me. Thanks.