This paper circulates around the core theme of WACC together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
1 Recently, Fantastic University undertook a building project which required $6.5 million of capital. The university had endowment funds of more than $15 million and a triple A bond rating. After careful consideration, the Board and Management decided to finance the project through operations rather than using the endowment or borrowing the funds. As an investment analyst, critique this decision. Evaluate the pro’s and con’s and determine if this was the best decision given the circumstances. Is there any information missing which makes this decision difficult? As a result of this decision, what other tactical decisions might need to be made in terms of future staffing, raises, other capital projects? (A 3 page analysis should be sufficient to answer this question.) • This is a real case. You should investigate the interest rate climate at the time and derive any external information available for a not-for-profit company. 2 Create an IOS chart with the following investment alternatives: Alternative A has an IRR of 8% and will add $10 million to the capital structure, while alternative B adds $12 million but returns 6.5%. C brings in 9.3% while costing $4 million, while D brings in 12% on $13.35 million. Finally, alternative investment E yields an IRR of 11.7% on $4 million in capital. The WACC is 7.75% with break points at $13 million and a new WACC of 8.12%. A final breakpoint occurs at $25 million boosting the WACC to 9.25%. Your banker has told you that beyond $25 million you will not be extended additional credit. 3 The corporation has been wildly successful, in this, the third year of operation. While operating in the social media advertising arena can be risky, the corporation has been able through strategic alliances and timely hires, to stay ahead of the profit curve. While the stock price continues to escalate since IPO, some shareholders grow weary of no dividends. A dividend would allow the firm to finally be listed on the NYSE, opening more capital potential to the firm. As is true with any technology firm, there are corporate raiders lurking hoping that management slips, so the firm can be swallowed up. Few shares are owned by the management team- only 12% of all outstanding shares. Approximately 20% of the firms shares are in treasury, not because of an under-subscription, but because the firm purchased shares for the last two years in a buyback. As the CFO of the firm, management turns to your leadership on strategic financial issues. Specifically, 1) what should the firm do about dividend policy- be specific, and 2) what can the firm do long-term to protect the organization from corporate raiders? (A two to three page report will satisfactorily meet this requirement).