This paper circulates around the core theme of Victoria University would like to develop membership management applications to support the management of its club & societies. together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
Victoria University would like to develop membership management applications to support the management of its club & societies. There are quite a number of these organizations at VU as shown in this link You are appointed to develop a management application for one of these organizations. You have the freedom to pick any club or society to develop the application.
It is depending on your choice of club or society, so that different content can be incorporated into your application. However, at the minimum, your application should store and display information of members, activities, president or managers, and membership registration and other relevant information.
Model Design Requirements You are going to design a model to store data for your application with the following specification:
You have freedom to design your own data architecture and properties for the classes, however it should reflect your understanding about complex entity relationships, including one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, and inheritance. The application should store information for every classes and relationship. Inheritance should be used to model classes with similar property. For example, human being classes should have common properties are ID, Name, Contact details (email, phone, address, etc...). Besides, each unique class should also have its own properties. Appropriate data annotation and input validation should be provided in the model classes. You should customize your own error message rather than using default error message provided by the template.
Sample documentation is provided in SampleDocument.pdf file to help you with better understanding about how the application should be implemented.
Application Specific Requirements You are required to select a club or society and then design and develop an ASP.NET MVC application. All pages should have logo and navigation menu. If user clicks on the logo, they will be directed to a representative official page of the selected organization. You should present your web page professionally using your own design, NOT the same as in the sample document. Appropriate user interaction and navigation should be considered for your application. The database should be seeded with at least 3 records for each class using database initializer. So, when the application is deployed, there should be at least 3 records shown for every class. You application should be ready to run without any further configuration.
Documentation Requirements
You are required to prepare a project documentation using Microsoft word. In this documentation should include: Data base design: Class Diagram showing classes, properties and relationship. Justification should be provided to explain why or how the proposed architecture is suitable for the case study. User manual: you should take screenshot and describe how user can navigate through your application, view records as well as performing admin functionality (create, edit, delete, assign etc.). Test instruction: to show and describe cases when user enter invalid information, how the application response with error message and instruction. Submission Requirements
You are required to submit two files into submission box on VU Collaborate: 1. A word document containing Assignment Cover Sheet (provided on VU Collaborate) with your name and student ID, together with the documentation as specified above. 2. The application project packed as a single zip file. Assessment Criteria
Your assignment will be marked based on the functionalities, the representation of the interface and the quality of the documentation.