This paper circulates around the core theme of Using relevant literature and theoretical frameworks discuss how organisational culture differs between government and non- government organisations. together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
Task: Using relevant literature and theoretical frameworks discuss how organisational culture differs between government and non- government organisations. Consider the implications of the following: · External social factors · Organisational structure · Power and governance · Change management approaches · Roles and responsibilities · Implications for workers Discussion of the roles and responsibilities of human services within an agency context Preparation: Learning activities should be linked to these readings and all material referenced as appropriate and revelent. Presentation: T he essay must be typed on a word processor . The word count does not include the reference list. Assessment criteria: The essay will be assessed according to the following: · Integration of knowledge and theory of organisational contexts · Demonstrated understanding of the complexity of various forces on organisations (e.g. external/internal factors) · Use of relevant literature · Adherence to academic writing conventions (e.g. referencing, structure) · Use of definition or organisational culture · Demonstrated ability to differentiate between organisational culture and structure · Has at least 10 academic references(Not more than 10 strictly) Maximum use the text book:Jones, A. and May, J. (1992) Working in human service organisations: A critical introduction. Melbourne: Longman Cheshire(important) use those Additional (mostly) recent journal and article readings(dont use other irrelevent article and journal) Alistair, R., Fitzgerald, S., Gilchrist, D., and Morris, L. (2012). Putting the public first? Restructuring the West Australian Human Services Sector. International Journal of Employment Studies. 20(1). pp. 104-125 Baines, D. (2006) ‘If you could change one thing: Social service workers and restructuring’. Australian Social Work. 59(1). Baines, D. (2010). ‘If we don’t get back to where we were before’: Working in restructured non-profit social services. British Journal of Social Work. 40(3). pp. 928-945. Bednar, S. G. (2003) ‘Elements of satisfying organizational climates in child welfare agencies’. Families in Society—The Journal of Contemporary Human Services, 84(1). pp. 7 –12. Bell, H., Kulkarni, S. and Dalton, L. (2003). Organizational prevention of vicarious trauma. Families in Society, 84(4). pp. 463 – 470 Burton, J. and van den Broek, D. (2009). Accountable and countable: Information management systems and the bureaucratization of social work. British Journal of Social Work. 39(7). pp. 1326-1342. Carey, M. (2008). The privatization of State social work. British Journal of Social Work. 38(5). pp. 918-925. Chernesky, R. H. and Israel, M. K. (2009) Job expectations and intention to leave in a state child welfare agency. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 3(1), pp. 23 – 29. Evans, T. (2013) `Organisational rules and discretion in adult social work`. The British Journal of Social Work. 43(4). pp. 739-758. Gardner, F (nd) Resource Number 5a: Creating a climate for [organisational] change - McGraw Hill Open Access resource: Glisson, R. and James, L.R. (2002). The cross-level effects of culture and climate in human service teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 23(6). pp. 767-794. Hilhorst, D. and Schmiemann, N. (2002) ‘Humanitarian principles and organisational culture: everyday practice in Médecins Sans Frontières-Holland. Development in Practice 12(3). pp. 490-500. Howe, B. and Howe, R. (2012). The influence of faith-based organisations on Australian social policy. Australian Journal of Social Issues. 47(3). pp. 319-337. McCoy, A., Rose, D., Connolly, M. (2013). Developing evaluation cultures in human service organisations. Evaluation Journal of Australasia. 13(1). pp. 25-30. McFadden, P., Campbell, A. and Taylor, B. (2014). Resilience and burnout in child protection social work: Individual and organisational themes from a systematic literature review. British Journal of Social Work. Advance Access, published 26 February, 2014. McMurray, A.J., Pirola-Merlo, A., Sarros, J.C. and Islam, M.M. (2010) ‘Leadership, climate, psychological capital, commitment, and wellbeing in a non-profit organization’. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 31(5), pp.436 - 457. Martin, E.W. (1997). Human service organisations revisited: Still a useful concept in the 1990s? Australian Journal of Social Issues. 32 (1). pp. 1-20 Robinson, K. (2013) Voices from the front-line: Social work with refugees and asylum seekers in Australia and the UK. British Journal of Social Work. Shim, M. (2014). Do organisational culture and climate really matter for employee turnover in child welfare agencies? British Journal of Social Work. 44(3) pp. 542-558. Tham, P. and Meagher, G. (2009) ‘Working in human services: How do experiences and working conditions in child welfare social work compare? British Journal of Social Work, 39(5), pp. 807– 27. carefully look at this marking rubric and do the assignment accordingly Argument/Discussion (40 marks) The essay addresses each element of the question The essay draws upon, and demonstrates an understanding of organisational theories, especially organisational culture The essay demonstrates an understanding of the factors that influence organisational culture The essay shows an understanding of the similarities and differences between Government and non-Government organisations The essay draws upon good quality evidence to support the discussion (e.g. qualitative and/or quantitative studies or research) Structure (20 marks) The essay uses proper paragraphs (approx 100-150 words in length generally) Ideas and sections are linked together coherently Their is use of an essay structure that builds critical depth through: An introduction that clearly indicates the question/focus of the essay A part that sets the scene with descriptive information which explains the concepts, A part that explores the concepts in the form of a comparison and contrast between Government and non-Government organisations A discussion of the implications for contemporary human service workers (practical lessons) A conclusion that sums up the most interesting points of the essay. Expression (20 marks) Language Grammar Syntax and sentence structure Referencing (20 marks) Evidence of wider reading (at least five references) Adherence to APA conventions in both in-text citations and the reference list.