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Unit 7 AB299 – Associates Capstone in Management
Unit 7 [AB299: Associates Capstone in Management]Assignment Details and Rubric In order for Timâs Coffee Shoppe to be successful, Tim will have to be sure he has a consistent andreliable supply of coffee beans.Research coffee bean producing countries on the Internet, and choose one country along with agrower that would have the greatest supplier potential to import beans for domestic sales with yourdistribution firm.Write your original, double-spaced expository essay in a minimum of 4 pages (which includes a Titleand a References page) and use 12 point Times New Roman font. Your citations (minimum 1, andmaximum 2 two short scholarly citations) and references must follow APA format and citation style.Checklist: Address the following items in an expository essay and APA format and citation style:Choose a country and a grower for your supplier of coffee beans that you (as distributor) canthen sell.What are the economic advantages of dealing with a vendor from this country?o Does the country have environmental laws that align with those of our country?o What are they?o Will there be a marketing advantage by divulging the source of the coffee beans?o Why or why not?o Will sourcing the beans from the supplier you choose affect Timâs bottom-line or not?Discuss your reasoning.Write your expository essay response in Standard American English, paying special attention togrammar, style, mechanics, organization, and a logical and focused response to the assignment.Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts. Ensure thatyour viewpoint and purpose are clearly stated. Demonstrate logical and appropriate transitions fromone idea to another. Submit your paper to the Dropbox in this unit.Kaplan University- Assignment gradingsheetPer CentPossible Score:Kaplan10040Per CentAnalysis, critical thinking and correctresponse to checklist items: (80%)PointsPossible PossiblePointsEarnedUnit 7 [AB299: Associates Capstone in Management]Choose a country and agrower for your supplier ofcoffee beans that you (asdistributor) can then sell. Whatare the economic advantagesof dealing with a vendor fromthis country?Address these questions:20%Does the country have environmentallaws that align with those of our country?What are they?8Will there be a marketing advantage bydivulging the source of the coffee beans?Why or why not?Will sourcing the beans from the supplieryou choose affect Timâs bottom-line ornot? Discuss your reasoning.88880%Writing, spelling, and grammar/2â3 pages in APA format andstyle60%3220%80Gross Project Score:Less: Late Penalty (Per Policy)Your Project Score:100%0400.00.00.0