This paper circulates around the core theme of Turkey before the intervention and after- Have the operation “helped”? together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
Ordered 6050 words should include 2 sections of the dissertation: 1. Methodology + theory of securitization (focused on Turkeys military operation “Olive Branch” in Afrin)- 1500-2000 words -case study, qualitative methods based on qualitative and quantitative data -research design: (non-experimental) interrupted time series design in order to understand the impact of the operation Olive Branch- 2 parts: measuring pre-intervention time series and post-intervention time series -research question: What is an impact of the operation “Olive Branch” on Turkeys domestic affairs and international relations? 2. Analysis and results- aprox. 4000+ words- 2 parts: a) IMPACT ON DOMESTIC AFFAIRS (political and economic): -measured variables: -domestic policy: the popularity of AK Party (rising or falling) by analyzing opinion polls before intervention and after intervention (the results of the June elections) – stability or polarization? -national security (referring to PYD/PKK and ISIS)- measured by a number of terrorist attacks in Turkey before the intervention and after- Have the operation “helped”? -economy- measuring economic factors before and after- whether Olive Branch has had an impact on Turkeys economy or not- whether a change was positive or negative b) IMPACT ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (regional and international): -foreign policy- official statements of chosen (major) international actors (USA, EU, Russia, key Arab countries) about Turkeys intervention to Syria- brief analysis of pre-intervention and post-intervention relations, analysis of friends/enemies before and after the intervention -this does not need to be very detailed as far as it is too wide -Assessment of Turkey military Operation Olive Branch: link it to securitizing and its impact -relevant internet sources are all right to be used however a writer needs to be careful to check more media resources (the Western and Turkish news are slightly different, and this dissertation should maintain its unbiased position) -Some internet sources if necessary: Hurriyet Daily News, Daily Sabah, Aljazeera, CNN, BBC.