You have total flexibility over what device you choose to evaluate. The type of device you might consider evaluating could include mobile phones, tablet computers, digital cameras, web enabled interactive Televisions, remote control units etc.. Alternatively you may identify an interactive system such as parking payment kiosks, self service systems such as those found at train stations, airports and in food retailers’ stores etc..
Once you have chosen your device/system you will need to form your evaluation strategy. As you should now be aware, there are a number of ways in which you can undertake usability evaluations. It is for you to determine and select an appropriate strategy for your chosen device/system.
Typically this is likely to include the following
• Selecting an appropriate usability evaluation strategy
• Setting some usability goals and usability evaluation criteria
• Identifying and selecting appropriate user task goals for the evaluation
• Identifying and selecting users to conduct the evaluation
• Selecting appropriate methods and designing forms etc to capture your results
Once you have undertaken your evaluation you are then required to begin the process of analysing your results and then preparing them for dissemination to a wide audience of people who may be interested in your findings. (Users, retailers, developers etc.).
This is a key part of the assignment and again you have complete freedom and flexibility over how you might wish to communicate your results. Examples that you might wish to consider include:-
• Producing a short ‘You Tube’ type video highlighting issues with the device and summarising your results
• Preparing a ‘TechRadar’ type web based report
• Producing a ‘Powerpoint’ type presentation and presenting it
As stated above, it is entirely your choice but thbut the key point is that, whichever method you choose, you are able to clearly communicate the results of your findings in a way that those who would be interested in your study can readily understand. The results and presentation of your evaluation will need to be concise but highly relevant, useful, informative, meaningful and relevant.
Part 1
For this part of the assignment you need to provide the relevant supporting documentation that enabled you to undertake the evaluation. Typically this is likely to include the following:-
• Details of the device/system you are evaluating
• A short description of your chosen evaluation method
• Details of your usability and task goals
• Details of who and how many users were involved in the study
• Your evaluation ‘capture’ collection method. (This may be interview questions, observation collection data sheets, video analysis log data sheets etc.).