This paper circulates around the core theme of The issue under the cross-cultural context together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
BMA534 International Business Management
Group Report
Dr. Fan Liang @ University of Tasmania
The Task
• Form groups (2-3 members)
• Choose the topic through discussion in your
• Start your work from Week 2
• The issue under the cross-cultural context
• Internationalisation process, international expansion, export,
localisation, foreign production, management of foreign
employees, international disputes, entry strategies, etc.
• The company
• Not too big to be well known
• No too small to find information
• A large local company is appropriate, eg., Flight Centre,
Commonwealth, Woolworth, etc.
• Encourage to write on a company you are associated with
• Write a report to
• Identify and define the issue facing the company
• Critically analyse and evaluate the issue
• Make recommendations for the company
The Task
• First version of the group report
• 4,000 – 5,000 words
• In a finished form rather than a draft
• Expectation see the marking rubrics for the final group
• Submission through MyLO by Monday, 27 August at
14:00 pm
• No marks for the peer review report and the final version
of the group report if the first version is not submitted on
The first version of the group report
• 20 marks
• Individual work
• To reflect on the first version of your group report and
inform the refinement of the final group report
• In report form
– Well structured and formatted
• 4 components
– Contribution of each group member
– Identification of major problems in the first version
– Critical analyses of these problems
– Constructive suggestions for further improvement
• 1,000 – 1,500 words
• Submit by Monday, 17 September at 14:00 pm through
Peer review report
• Contribution of each group member
– Better in bullet points
• Identification of major problems in the first version
– Five most significant problems in the first version
– In the order from the most to the least significant
• Critical analyses of these problems
– Carefully read the first version, check it against the marking
criteria and rubrics for the final version, and make comments
• Constructive suggestions for further improvement
– How should a problem be fixed up?
Writing the peer review report
• Title: Peer review report, group report title
• Structure 1 (recommended)
– Contribution of each member
– Problem 1
• Problem 1
• Analyses
• Suggestions
– Problem 2
– Summary
• Structure 2
– Contribution of each member
– Problems 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
– Analyses of problems 1-5
– Suggestions for problems 1-5
– Summary
Structure of the peer review report
• Marking criteria
– Your own contribution to the group work (20%)
• Based on comments of all your group members
– Identification of at least five major problems in the first
version of your own group report (in the order from the
most to the least important) (20%)
– Critical analyses on the identified problems (20%)
– Feasible and implementable suggestions for further
improvement (20%)
– Logical, cohesive and formatted writing and
acknowledgement of sources if applicable (20%)
• No need to force references in the writing
Peer review report
• 30 marks
• Refine the group report by drawing on the insights of the
peer review
• 4,500 words and no more than 10% variation
• Marking criteria
• Due on Monday, 1 October at 17:30 pm.
• Submission through MyLO
Final version of the group report
– A strong sense of purpose
– Focus on the key theme and avoid irrelevant materials
– Focus on facts rather than abstract concepts and theories
– Provide information and make analyses
• What is the issue, what are the cause and consequence, how to resolve it
• Different from other kinds of writing
– Case studies = describe a full objective picture (a story) about a case
– Case study analyses = discuss, analyse, and evaluate information related to a case
– Lecture notes = explain and elaborate general points and theories for students
– Academic research papers = assess theories or phenomena to make general arguments
– Formal style and presentation
– Appropriate title, headings, page numbers, margins, fonts, paragraphing, spaces between lines, paragraphs and sections, in-text citations, and end references
– Refer to the style guide of Journal of International Business Studies for elements not specified
Business report
• The following structure is a suggestion only
• Alternative arrangement, if appropriate, is acceptable
Structure of the group report
• Compulsory for this assignment
• A summary rather than an introduction or
• Written for busy readers to quickly get to know
the key points even without reading the full report
• Therefore, the topical title and author information are
• Focus more on recommendations (different from
• Independent of the report
• The title and author information is needed
• The contents must be self-explaining
• About 1 or 2 pages 12
Executive summary
• Optional
• On a separate page
• 1 or 2 levels of headings, but no more than 3
Table of contents
Topical title
• A brief and simple description
• Summarise the key theme of the report
• Interesting
– Repeat the title and author information on the first
page of the report contents
– State the objective of the report
– Background information about the core theme
• key features of the company, such as industry, business,
history, international experience, position in the market,
• Background information of the cross-cultural context
(the foreign market/customer/country) (can be in a
separate section or in the environment analysis section)
– Describe the arrangement and structure of the
• Never ever use “body”, “body section(s)”, “main
section(s)” or “middle section(s)” as a heading!!!
• Normally include several sections in the middle
• Background information about the company (can
be arranged in the Introduction section)
• Define and describe the issue facing the company
• Analyse and evaluate the issue
• Cause, consequence, effects, implications for the
• Describe, discuss, analyse, categorise, evaluate, relate
to theories, compare, reasoning, etc.
• Use appropriate ways to present information 16
• Texts, figures, tables, charts, etc.
Middle sections
• Start with a very short summary and synthesis of
the discussion in previous sections
• Logically drive the conclusion from previous
– After the analyses in the middle section, now answer
the question of ‘so what’
• Possible ways of writing a conclusion
– Drawing out general arguments
– Relating to the objective of the report
– Predicting the future
– Discussing the implications
• Can also be included in the conclusion section
• Suggestions for the company for what to do in
relation to the issue
• Expectation
• Insightful – based on your own critical and innovative