This paper circulates around the core theme of Stockholder’s equity . together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
Use the latest annual report. The group will need to review the major sections of this report in order to be familiar with the content of each of the financial statements and appropriate footnotes.
Review the balance sheet of the company and indicate the total amount of the following:
a) Current assets
b) Non-current assets
c) Current liabilities
d) Non-current liabilities
e) Stockholder’s equity
Compare the above figures with the previous year and compute the percentage increase or decrease and comment on the comparative financial condition of the company.