This paper circulates around the core theme of Refer to the Purdue Owl for all requirements of a research paper? together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
4.3 Research Paper (220 points)
(Subject 5 points, Outline 5 points, Marked up paper 5 points, PDF files 5 points, Paper 200 points)
The research paper must be at least 8 pages long. To be safe you should write at least 8 and one-half pages.
The research paper must be prepared utilizing APA guidelines.The purpose of the research paper is to prepare you for research and writing projects you will encounter in your business career. The research paper is also utilized for SACS accreditation purposes.
Prepare a research paper titled: Impact of Point-of-Sale-Systems (POS) in Traditional and Fast Food Restaurants.Find authoritative articles to support your writing and address each of the following at a minimum:
1. Cost of Food.
2. Proper Inventory Control and the impact on Spoilage.
3. Loss Prevention.
4. Proper Staffing.
5. Seasonal Trend Analysis.
6. Accounting.
7. Other areas the POS impacts.
Ensure that you do not confuse financial accounting with managerial accounting. If you are not sure of the difference read and study Chapter 1 of the text until you understand the differences. All reporting external to the firm is financial accounting.Research Paper Steps And Requirements
For Graduate ClassesMost future job promotions after graduation are predicated and determined by your mastery of communication skills required in industry.
A frequent comment concerning college graduates, during my teaching career, have been concerning their lack of effective communication skills.
This paper is intended to help you develop and achieve the writing skills to ensure your future success.Many of you have never been required to write a proper research paper, utilizing good research guidelines and the usage of accepted, professional English language in your writing. This is the reason writing a research paper is required to build your writing, research, and communication skills. Refer to Purdue Owl or another good research and writing text to help you learn how to research and write a research paper.The steps listed below are required, in sequence, for this paper. You are encouraged to turn in each step early so that you can make corrections, if necessary. None of the steps can be skipped. Succeeding steps, if a predecessor step is skipped, will not be graded, and may incur a late penalty if any step is turned in late due to a failure to complete a preceding step.Grading the paper, and each of the steps, requires much additional time on my part and this effort is intended to help you with your success. I read your sources to ensure that the paraphrasing and use of quotations are correct and accurate. Your future employers will check y our work and your lack of factual detail properly presented, or less than professional writing may cause you to encounter severe consequences in your employment and job progression. While all the steps, except the research paper itself, have low point values, the impact of failing to submit a step will result in a grade of zero (0) on the ensuing steps. Submission of every step is a requirement
Due Dates for every step are in Canvas.Step 1 Research Paper Subject (RPS) (5 points) (Required submission)
The research paper subject or title, followed by an annotated bibliography of five (5) sources you have selected to use in your paper. Refer to Purdue Owl for guidelines on an annotated bibliography. The sources must support your subject. As your writing and research continues you can add or eliminate articles to ensure that you cover your subject properly.Step 2 Research Paper Outline (RPO). (5 points) (Required submission)You must prepare and submit an outline of your approved research paper topic. You must include, under the proper outline heading, at least ten annotated bibliographies of sources you intend to use and which will support your subject.Step 3 Marked-Up Research Paper (MURP) (10 points) (Required submission)
It is required that you submit your completed paper, including the10 sources required for your final paper, to the online tutor to mark up and correct your paper. The tutor will alert you to various errors and teach you correct grammar, sentence structure, and form needed for the paper.
It is best to sign in to online tutor and then submit your paper to the tutor who is helping you.
Once you correct your paper it is in your best interest to submit it again to ensure that your corrections are accurate and that something missed on the first session may be found.
While the tutor will offer assistance, it is definitely up to you to submit a paper which adheres to all guidelines and is well written.
Many people, including me, find it very helpful to have someone read your final paper and point out the errors and unclear or misleading sentences.
Tutoring. Tutoring is available to all TAMUCT students, both on-campus and online. The University Writing Center is a valuable asset for assistance in all steps of the research process.A comment from a recent student on the use of online tutor is: Ive seen people complain that has a character limit, I have never had this issue, I go to the site, click writing and live review, get connected to a tutor then I upload my paper and everything works.Step 4 Research Paper Article (RPA) (5) (Required submission)
You must use PDF format to submit each article utilized in your paper.
Each individual file must be identified in the same format used for the first article citation in your paper.
For example if your first cited file is (Adams, Jones, Smith, p. 321) the PDF will be identified as Adams, Jones, Smith.
Arrange your files alphabetically.If you do not submit your properly identified PDFs on time as required, or the files are improperly identified, you will incur a 25 point penalty. Your paper will not be graded until all your PDFS are submitted
Step 5 Research Paper (RP) (200 points) (Required submission)Submit your paper as a Word document.Research Paper GUIDELINES
1. Closely read and ensure that you understand the following requirements for a successful research paper..
2. The paper must be at least 8 full pages in length and contain citations to 10 different sources used in the paper. It is better to write a minimum of 8 pages to ensure you are not short. One line short of 8 full pages is a short paper and will result in a penalty for a short paper. Please try to cover your subject in less than 20 pages.
3. Prepare the paper utilizing APA guidelines. The Purdue Owl contains a great overview of research, writing, and APA style guidelines. 4. A departure from APA guidelines is that I require page numbers be included in paraphrases as well as quote citations. The page numbers are used to find the source of the paraphrase so that the paraphrase can be checked for accuracy.
5. Failure to include specific page numbers in all citations whether direct quotations or paraphrases will result in a 40 point deduction and the paper being returned to you for correction and resubmission.
6. Use a cover page (A separate page) which will not count in paper length.
7. Place the Abstract on a separate page which does not count in paper length.
8. The Running Head must be within the one inch top margin.
9. Use a one paragraph Introduction and Conclusion in your paper. The Introduction and Conclusion are each limited to 10 lines.
10. The paper must be long enough to thoroughly cover the paper topic.
11. Refer to the Purdue Owl for all requirements of a research paper. The Purdue Owl covers the process from the initial research step to the writing of the paper. If you do not understand a requirement or suggestion please contact me or go to the University Writing Center for assistance or refer to online sources.
12. All sources, must be less than 8 years old. The start month of the course is the measuring year.
13. Acceptable sources are refereed journals, professional journals, and professional magazines published by recognized professional associations such as State licensed law and accounting publications, and other reputable professional publications published in the United States.
14. When utilizing acceptable current periodical publications such as professional journals ensure that you verify the information the article contains. Remember advertising, company publications, magazines, newspapers, and web sources are intended to provide the authors point of view which may not be authoritative or verifiable and will not count in your total articles and will be counted as filler which will reduce your paper length.
15. All sources must be from United States sources and must contain proper English. Elsevier is a Netherlands publishing company. Wiley also publishes foreign publications. You must research with GOOGLE to find the publisher to ensure that the source is a valid source.
16. Place lengthy quotes over 5 lines, pictures, illustrations, and tables in the appendix and reference them in your paper.
17. Every paragraph, except a one paragraph, 10 line maximum, Introduction, and Conclusion, or 1 line introduction in a paragraph to identify the subject of the paragraph must be identified by citations to the source from which you obtained the information conveyed in your writing. Each paragraph will contain multiple citations.
18. The completed paper must be submitted through Canvas by the due date.
19. The PDF files of sources cited in the paper must be submitted through Canvas on the due date as separate, individual, PDF documents. The sources must be submitted as individual PDF files. NO ZIP FILES.
20. If you submit your sources as one file, or as a word file or a zip file you will be charged a 30 point penalty and you will be required to submit the files correctly before your paper is graded.