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D. Epidural Analgesia
E. Peripheral Nerve Block
8. Explain then following surgical terminology
A. Amputation
B. Open reduction
C. Hip replacement
D. Craniotomy
E. Tonsillectomy
F. Appendectomy
G. Laparotomy
H. Hysterectomy
I. Prostatectomy
J. Cataract extraction
Question 9
Outline the signs and symptoms that may indicate internal bleeding in your patient that presents after surgery from a major trauma.
1. Outline the following common respiratory terminology.
• Dyspnoea
• Tachycardia
• Tachypnoea
• Wheeze
• Cyanosis
• Dysphagia
• Pyrexia
2. Your patient suddenly has difficulty breathing and has become short of breath. Outline the important nursing care that you will undertake to assess and manage this patient.
3. Outline the important aspects of oxygen therapy. Include safety aspects and monitoring of your patient.
4. What are the acceptable oxygen flow rates to be used when administering oxygen via the following types of masks?
Nasal prongs:
Hudson Mask:
5. What fluid type should be utilised in the humidification systems?
Circle the correct response:
• Sterile Water
• Normal Saline
• Fresh Water
• 5% Dextros
6. When delivering nebulisation therapy to your patients what type of gas flow should the nebuliser mask be connected to?
Circle the correct response:
Patient with no COPD History
• Oxygen
• Air
• Does not matter
Patient with a known COPD History (CO2 Retainer)
• Oxygen
• Air
• Does not matter
7. You are required to administer nebulisation therapy to your patient. What is the best position for administration?
Circle the appropriate response:
Patient position:
• Lateral
• Sitting upright
• Supine
• Semi upright
8. After completion of the nebulisation therapy what should the nurse instruct the patient to perform?
9. Which of the following is an early indicator that a patient’s oxygen levels in their blood may be reduced or inadequate?
Circle the correct response:
10. Define the following terms
? Pneumothorax
? Haemothorax
? Empyema
11. Your patient has been admitted to hospital with a suspected pneumothorax. Outline the normal sites for insertion of intercostal catheters in the following situations:
12. After having a chest x-ray performed the pneumothorax has been identified. An ICC has been inserted and connected to an UWSD bottle system. Describe the function of the following components on the underwater seal drainage system under the following headings.
Underwater seal chamber
Suction control chamber
Drainage chamber
13. What observations must the nurse perform when caring for the patient with an underwater seal drainage bottle? Use the following headings
The Patient
14. The position that the UWSD system should be kept in an upright position and always below the level of the chest.
15. In what chamber would an air leak be observed?
Circle the correct answer
? Suction control chamber
? Water seal chamber
? Drainage chamber
16. What chamber would you be able to identify a swing?
Circle the correct answer.
? Suction control chamber
? Water seal chamber
? Drainage chamber
17. When assessing the underwater seal system you note that there is NO swing present. What might this indicate?
18. Define the following terms:
19. To commence CPAP therapy in the ward setting is it necessary for the medical officer to prescribe a particular level of PEEP?
20. List the 3 common indications for CPAP therapy
21. When would CPAP therapy be contraindicated for a patient?
22. If your patient has labile blood pressure can the application of CPAP therapy further drop their blood pressure?
23. Your patient has been admitted with pneumonia. What psychological supports and care could be required due to the impact of their acute respiratory condition?
Clinical Scenario 1
Gary is a 45 year old male. He presented to the emergency department after a fall from a first floor window last night. He had been out drinking at a work function and had forgotten his house keys. His wife called an ambulance this morning as Gary was very agitated and appeared to have a weakness in his left arm and leg. She also noticed some blood loss on the pillow from a gash on Gary’s head.
Using the headings below, state how you this patient will be managed.
a. What do you think has happened to Gary? What condition may he have sustained?
b. What assessments will you undertake on Gary considering your initial thoughts on his potential condition?
c. You are required to undertake neurological observations. How will you ask the questions to complete a correct Glasgow Coma Scale for Gary and what does this involve? Give examples of your questions.
d. What complications may occur from the injury that Gary presents with?
Clinical Scenario 2
Mr Ken Nyugen is a 56 year old male who has been admitted to the acute medical ward with an ischaemic stroke. He initially presented by ambulance after being found slumped in a chair at home by his daughter. On initial presentation to the emergency department the following assessment data was obtained:
GCS 11/15
PEARL 4 pupils equal and reactive to light
RR 20
BP 210/100
HR 50 Regular
12 lead ECG Right Bundle Branch Block – old
SpO2 92% RA
Course crackles right lower lobe
T 37.5
Left hemiplegia
a. Detail how you would perform your physical assessment of the client.
b. What is Mr. Nguyen’s main risk factor that may have contributed to this CVA?
c. Explain the different causes or types of CVA.
d. What are some of the other risk factors of Stroke
e. What is dysphagia?
f. What are some indications of dysphagia?
g. Explain the nursing management for Mr. Nguyen in the acute setting? What care interventions will be required?
End of Assignment