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Module 3 Air Quality Standards Worksheet and RubricStudent Name: ?????TimelinessFully MetPartially Met/GoodPartially Met/FairNot MetTimelinessIndicatorsGrade ImpactPosted by thedeadlineNo impactPosted 1 day latePosted 2â4 days late10% reduction inoverall assignmentscore20% reduction inoverall assignmentscorePosted 5 or more dayslate0 pointsPart 1: NAAQS Quiz (Short answer)Go to EPAâs National Ambient Air Quality Standards website homepage at Review thedetails of NAAQS for the criteria pollutants and answer the following questions:Question (5 points each)ResponseScoreHow many criteria pollutantsare covered under theNAAQS?In what year was the ozonestandard first initiated?For which pollutant has thestandard been most recentlystrengthened?Over what period of time arelead measurements made toassess meeting the standard?What human health effect isassociated with exposure tocarbon monoxide??????© 2014 Laureate Education, Inc.Page 1 of 6????????????????????Question (5 points each)List the top two sources ofsulfur dioxide emissions in theU.S.Define a ânon-attainmentâ areawith respect to the NAAQS.For which regions of the attainment of PM10 aparticular problem?ResponseScore???????????????Total ScoreInstructor comments: ?????© 2014 Laureate Education, Inc.(40 possiblepoints)?????Page 2 of 6Part 2: Choosing national air quality priorities (short essay answer)Review the background information on each of the pollutants covered under the NAAQS and, based on the availableinformation and considering the questions you addressed above, indicate which ambient air pollutant you believe shouldbe a national regulatory priority for the United States and why. Support your choice by describing the types of healthconsequences associated with the pollutant (including any susceptible populations), its major sources, and when thestandards were last reviewed and/or changed. Then, provide a brief explanation of one or more global implications forregulation of this pollutant by the United States. Be sure to cite your sources.Response: ?????Score (20 possible points): ?????Instructor comments: ?????Quality IndicatorsFully MetPartially Met/GoodPartially Met/FairNot MetContent Quality(20 points)Choice of regulatorypriority was fullysupported withquantitative data onhealthconsequences,major sources of thechoice pollutant,and when standardswere lastreviewed/changedOne of the followingexpected criteriawas not clearlydiscussed: healthconsequences,major source, whenstandards were lastreviewed, or globalimplications.Two of the followingexpected criteriawere not clearlydiscussed: healthconsequences,major source, whenstandards were lastreviewed, or globalimplications.The pollutant choicewas not a pollutantregulated under theNAAQSAND/ORAND/ORChoice was mostlybut not fullysupported withquantitative dataand referencesChoice was not wellsupported withquantitative dataand referencesANDGlobal implicationsof U.S. regulation ofthe pollutant were© 2014 Laureate Education, Inc.AND/ORThree or more of thefollowing expectedcriteria were notclearly discussed:healthconsequences,major source, whenstandards were lastreviewed, or globalimplicationsPage 3 of 6Quality IndicatorsFully MetPartially Met/GoodPartially Met/FairNot Metclearly discussedAND/ORAND/ORAND/ORANDWriting was a littleunclear (typos,minor issues)Writing was unclear(frequent typos,grammatical errors)Choice was notsupported withquantitative dataand references(16â19 points)(14â15 points)Data sources werereferenced andhighly appropriate tosupport the choiceand discussion(0â13 points)(20 points)© 2014 Laureate Education, Inc.Page 4 of 6Part 3: Identify Which Pollutants Significantly Contribute to These IssuesAlthough many pollutants get a bad reputation, certain types of gas emissions contribute more to specific environmentalissues. Review section 4.1 in your text and the background information on each of the pollutants covered under theNAAQS. Choose from among the eight pollutants below and fill in the name of the correct pollutant in the grid below.chlorofluorocarbonscarbon monoxideparticulate mattersulfur dioxidedioxinsnitrogenozonedioxidecarbondioxidePollutantGlobalwarmingAcidScoredepositionyesOzonelayerdepletionnoResponse (5 points)?????Response (5 points)?????Response (5 points)?????no?????yesyesno?????nonoyes?????Total Score(15 possiblepoints)Instructor Comments: ?????© 2014 Laureate Education, Inc.?????Page 5 of 6Final Score:Part 1 Score (40 possible points)?????Part 2 Score (20 possible points)?????Part 3 Score (15 possible points)Total Score (75 possible points)?????Instructor comments (Timeliness): ?????Timeliness Factor (late points deducted):?????© 2014 Laureate Education, Inc.