This paper circulates around the core theme of Innovation in Society Seminar together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
Assessment Task 1: Individual Test, (20% weighting)
1)Assessment Details
A test will be conducted at the commencement of the tutorial on session six of the course for 45 minutes. Students are required to demonstrate knowledge of required readings by answering set multiple choice and short answer questions based on the first five weeks of seminar topics, group activities and related readings as indicated in ‘Sequence’ Schedule.
Learning Outcomes: K1, K2, K3, A1
2)Criteria used to grade this task
The test will consist of both multiple choice and a short answer questions based on:
(iThe required reading set out for Sessions 1 to 5 in the Seminar Sequence below.
(ii)This is a closed book test - no text, readings or notes to be used during the test.
3)Task Assessor – This test will be assessed by the lecturer and subsequently moderated.
4)Suggested time to devote to this task – Students should allocate sufficient time to prepare for the tutorial test. This is subjective and will involve you commencing work early in the semester and working progressively before the test date.
5)Submission details – The test will be collected for assessment after the allocated time of 45 minutes in the session six tutorial.
6) Feedback and return of work – The lecturer will review the test in class after marking in the following session/s. The test papers remain the property of the university.
Assessment Task 2: Group Case Study Report, (30% weighting)
1) Assessment Details
This assessment is a group evaluation of a technological product or service. The purpose of this assessment task is to allow students in a group to thoroughly research the phases of innovation in the development of a product, process or service and provide a written report of their findings (and, for assessment Task 3, to provide a basis for the presentation of their findings to the class). Not more than 3 students per group.
Description: The seminar papers need to provide a broad view of the development of an innovation and their impact on society. Each group will develop a unique product, process or service.
Examples of innovations are – forms of transport, communication devices, entertainment devices, supply services; as well as technologies that produce a vast array of goods (e.g. textiles, plastics, metals) and services (e.g. new calculators, telescopes, kitchen appliances, bathroom fixtures, handy gadgets). Apps not recommended.
Each student group will be expected to research thoroughly the innovation and develop a paper covering:
Cover page
Executive Summary – (on separate page)
Table of Contents
Body of work with sub headings:
The idea - creativity
New Product Design
The Innovation Imperative
Environment and Sustainability
Implications of Innovation in society
Patterns of Innovation
Innovation and Competitiveness
Future of your product
Format: The paper will be written in report format and will be designed to provide the basis for presenting the innovation to the rest of the tutorial class.
Learning Outcomes: K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, S1, S2, S3, S4, A1, A2, A3
2)Criteria used to grade this task – Marks for each aspect of this assessment task will be based on the:
•Evidence of research and analysis
•Comprehensive analysis in the discussion of the connections examined through the innovation such as creativity, design, society, industrialisation, environment, management, clusters, national innovation systems and predictions for the future.
•Credibility of the recommended strategies to ensure that the innovation is beneficial.
•Logical report structure
•Good use of references
•Clarity and presentation
Guidance on structure and content for this paper will be given during the course.
Refer to the document: ‘Detailed Assessment Task Information’ in Moodle for further information.
Report format is required, including executive summary, conclusion and reference list. Appendices should be used to include all material and resources referred to in the report. The report needs to include an executive summary (no more than 200 words) and a reference list of material consulted from books, journals, newspapers, magazines and websites. Consult guidebooks on how to present a reference list consistent with the standard APA style. Use dot points and lists with discretion.
Group Size: 3 students per group (maximum) list
Word Limit: 4,000 words (+ 10%), excluding appendices, executive summary and reference list.
3)Task Assessor – This assessment is a group task and a group mark will be assessed and allocated by the lecturer and subsequently moderated. No individual marks will be issued. All the students in the group will obtain a common mark based on the assessment of the report.
4)Suggested time to devote to this task – Students should allocate sufficient time to prepare for the group report. This is subjective and will involve the group commencing work early in the semester and working progressively throughout the semester before the due date.
5)Submission details – At the conclusion of sessions 5 and 9, sections of the group report will be uploaded to Moodle following each of the group presentations (by 5pm).
The full group report will be uploaded to Moodle after session 12 following the final presentations. Feedback from the presentations can be used to modify the report submission until the submission time of 5pm on session 12.
6)Feedback and return of work – The lecturer will provide feedback through the group evaluation sheet following sessions 5, 9 and final marking following session 12 (please see marking guide for group evaluation sheet)
Assessment Task 3: Group Case Study Presentation, (20% weighting)
1)Assessment Details
The purpose of this Learning Task is to allow students to gain experience in organising and presenting their seminar paper and to facilitate discussion to maximise the learning of those attending.
Format: Student groups will be asked to present their seminar paper to the tutorial class, providing comprehensive and effective coverage of their innovation. The presentations should be formal and be integrated with learning activities such as interactive game, relevant videos, debates, small syndicate discussion and reporting, and a question and answer segment. The presentation, activities and discussion should take about 10 minutes per student (3 x 3min per presentation). Each student must attend and present a portion of the seminar content at each of the three presentation sessions
Learning outcomes: K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, S1, S2, S3, S4, A1, A2, A3
2) Criteria used to grade this task – The seminar papers will be presented progressively during the tutorial sessions on sessions 5, 9 and 12. Presentations will be conducted during the tutorials by one group member in each of the sessions five, nine and twelve. Three to four minutes per person per session amounting to 10 minutes per person in total.
Mark for the presentation will be based on four criteria:
•Selection of relevant content derived from the seminar paper
•Organisation and creativity of presentation
•Clarity and impact of personal presentations
•Use of visual aids and handouts etc.
•Effectiveness of the presentation in developing an understanding of innovation and technology and their effects on society (through vehicles such as audience activities and participation, the handling of questions etc.).
3)Task Assessor – The group presentations will be conducted by each group to the class and the lecturer, in sessions five, nine and twelve, during the tutorial class. The lecturer will assess all participants for their presentations and the marks will be allocated to the group as a group mark. No individual marks will be issued.
4)Suggested time to devote to this task – Students should allocate sufficient time to prepare for the tutorial presentation. This is subjective and will involve the group commencing work early in the semester and working progressively before the due date.
5)Submission details – Oral presentations will be held during sessions five, nine and twelve and power points will be uploaded to Moodle (with the group report) by 5pm following each of the presentations in the tutorial class. The group presentation is worth 20% of total assessment. Allotted marks for the presentation will be incorporated into at a total mark for the nominated technology assignment.