This paper circulates around the core theme of HLTENN011 Implement & Monitor Care for a person with Acute Health Problems together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
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HLTENN011 Implement & Monitor Care for a person with Acute Health Problems
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Satisfactory rate – All questions must be answered in accordance with the assessment guide. If this is not achieved the student has the opportunity to resubmit work or re-sit the assessment as confirmed by their trainer/assessor
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[this assessment]
? Demonstration simulation lab (Tollefson activities)
? Demonstration Workplace/Clinical Placement
Ref: as listed in the Course Unit Outline and Assessment Due Dates List for the course
Assessor Instructions
The assessment is made when all of the short answer fields in the assessment activity are completed. These are to be completed according to the assessment guide and decision-making rules. Final decision is to be made and recorded on Assessment result below and on the results template via the Course Coordinator.
Ref: Assessment Guide for the Assessment & Mayfield Education Assessment Guide: Planning & Conducting Assessment Policy
Student Instructions
Read each question carefully after having accessed and viewed the case study on the website. In order to be deemed Satisfactory in this compulsory assessment task you must answer ALL the numbered questions below. Write/type answers in the fields provided. This assessment requires a response to short answer questions; multiple choice; true false and case study/ clinical scenario responses. These can be typed and dot points can be used. This must be undertaken by you. You are able to use your study notes to assist you with completing your answers. If you do not receive a ‘Satisfactory’ result (NYS) you may be provided with an alternative supplementary assessment.
Ref: Student Information Handbook (5) & Student Assessment Policy and Procedure
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Ref: Trainer and Assessor requirements as listed in the Sessional Trainers and Assessors Policy and the Policy – Guidelines for Planning and Conducting VET Assessment & Student Assessments Policy.
Access the case study via the YouTube on the internet. In response to this you will need to provide answers to the 10 questions below. Please respond in simple short answers of no more than 4 sentences.
Elizabeth Scarr had already suffered one heart attack, and when she began to experience neck and shoulder pain some time later, was diagnosed with unstable angina and admitted to hospital.
1. What were the signs and symptoms that Elizabeth describes?
2. What is unstable Angina
3. What assessments would be undertaken for unstable Angina?
4. Detail the nursing management of the patient that presents with acute Unstable Angina that is experiencing chest pain.
5. With Angina describe how the heart is affected during the symptoms Elizabeth describes?
6. What are the risk factors for Angina or Heart Attacks?
7. What education can you provide to patients upon discharge on healthy points for a healthy heart?
8. What tests / investigationsmay the patient require post an unstable angina event?
9. What could these tests show about this patient?
10. What psychological supports and care could be required for this patient with unstable angina?
Emergency Management
1. Define the following terms and or abbreviations
Cardiac Arrest:
Respiratory Arrest:
2. In an emergency situation it is important to assess the situation quickly and efficiently to ensure the safety of you, the patient and others in the vicinity. Complete the following BLS assessment flowchart.
Name the keywords that outline the process that should be followed in an emergency situation.
3. List 4 potential /actual hazards when managing a code blue in the hospital environment.
4. Describe 2 ways you would assess for ‘Response’
5. If your patient does not respond to you after the above methods have been attempted, what should your next action be?
(Please circle the correct response)
a) Panic
b) Run from the room and call for help
c) Stay with the patient and call for help
d) Assess the patients airway
6. Maintaining a patent airway is vital in an emergency situation. Under the following headings outline how you would achieve this
Assess their airway – include patient position/safety
Clearing the airway
Maintaininga patent/clear airway
7. If the patient’s airway is not threatened by the presence of vomitus, blood or foreign bodies, is it necessary to position the patient on their side to inspect and clear the airway.
8. Using the following headings, briefly outline how you would make your assessments to ascertain whether your patient was breathing.
9. If after you have assessed your patient and found them to be breathing circle all the actions would you take?
(Please circle the correct response/s)
A. Leave the patient on their back and support them
B. Roll the patient into the recovery position
C. Place oxygen on the patient via a Hudson mask
D. Undertake general observations and conscious state
E. Sit the patient upright and place oxygen on them via nasal prongs
F. Apply the leads to monitor the patient’s rhythm
10. If you have assessed your patient as not breathing what should be undertaken at this time?
(Please circle the correct response)
A. Give 5 quick breaths via the bag or mask and check for pulse
B. Give 2 quick breaths via the bag or mask and check for pulse
C. Start CPR
D. Place oxygen on the patient via a Hudson mask
11. When checking for pulse which pulse would you locate and use:
Circle the correct answer
a) Radial pulse
b) Popliteal Pulse
c) Brachial Pulse
d) Carotid Pulse
How long would you take to confirm presence or absence of a pulse?
(Please circle the correct response)
a) 2 sec.
b) 5 sec.
c) 5-10 sec.
d) 10 -15secs.
12. If your patient is breathing and has a pulse but you are required to monitor the patient. How should the electrodes be applied?
(Please circle the correct response)
a. Black – Right arm White – Left arm Red – Left Leg
b. Black – Left arm White – Left leg Red – Right Arm
c. Black – Left Arm White – Right arm Red – Left Leg
d. Black – Left Leg White – Left arm Red – Left Arm
13. If you have assessed the patient as having no pulse and is not breathing what action should you commence first?
(Please circle the correct response)
a. Apply the gel pads and turn on the SAED
b. Perform a full minute cycle of CPR – 1 breath to 5 compression ratio
c. Perform 30 compressions followed by 2 ventilations
d. Perform a full two minute of CPR at a rate of 30 compressions to 2 ventilations
14. What is the correct location to use on the sternum when undertaking cardiac compressions?
(Please circle the correct response)
a. Upper third of the sternum
b. Middle third of the sternum
c. Lower third of the sternum
d. Over the Xyphoid process
15. What is the correct depth to achieve to deliver effective cardiac compressions?
(Please circle the correct response)
a. One quarter of the chest wall
b. One third of the chest wall
c. One half of the chest wall
d. As far as you can go