This paper circulates around the core theme of Due by start of class on Week 6 (see Course Schedule), research and write a Human Resource Development paper of interest to you and your career aspirations. together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
Due by start of class on Week 6 (see Course Schedule), research and write a Human Resource Development paper of interest to you and your career aspirations. Your first guide for selecting a paper topic are the subjects in your text and those covered in class. So as we read and discuss chapter topics, you should think about which topics are of greatest interest to you. Further, there is a subject index at the back of your textbook. You can pick a HARD topic related to another field of work. For example, if you work or plan to work in manufacturing, healthcare, or retail, you may choose a HARD topic related to that field (see examples below). Once you have decided on the general topic area, the research begins. Please note that there are also Endnotes in the back of your text. These are the references the author used for the chapter. Looking up and reading these articles (consult your librarian) will give you ideas, information, and references for the paper. ABI/Inform is one of several indexes available through the library. Here are examples of paper topics: -Cross-Cultural Training for American Expatriates Working Overseas -Are Corporate Universities Worth a Company’s Investment? -The Effects of Job Rotation on Employee Retention and Learning -What are the elements of a Learning Organization?: The Case of (Name of company) -Applying Levinson’s “Eras” Model of Adult Development at MacDonald’s -Using Social Learning Theory to Train Manager’s to Discipline Employees -Training Staff in HR Software and Systems -Coaching and Counseling Performing and Non-Performing Employees -The Power of Lean Training for Manufacturing Companies -Motivating Employees to Engage in Continuous Learning -What do you do with a Drunken Sailor (Employee)? Paper Requirements -10 pages of content PLUS 10 references appropriately cited in BOTH the body of the text and in the reference list at the end of the paper. COVER PAGES, ABSTRACTS AND REFERENCE PAGES DO NOT COUNT AS PART OF THE 10-PAGE CONTENT REQUIREMENT. There is a 10 percent reduction in grade for every page of content that is missing. Arial, Number 12 font, spacing = 1 ½ to 2. DO NOT QUADRUPLE-SPACE BETWEEN PARAGRAPHS. Grammar and spelling count 15% of your grade so be sure to use grammar and spell check. No run-on sentences of more than 25 words. No paragraphs longer than one-half page. NO LISTS of items - only narrative writing. The entire paper, with the exception of limited quotes, must be written in your own words. Plagiarism is a serious violation of academic integrity and will result in a failed grade for the assignment. Therefore, do NOT copy papers, sentences, or paragraphs from electronic or other sources except to use and cite a limited quote. Do not purchase papers. Every idea from any source must be cited in the body of the text and in the reference list. This normally means that you will have at least one reference for every paragraph you write. Turn in papers on the scheduled date and time. Late papers will result in a reduced grade at the discretion of the instructor. You must interview and cite as a reference at least one professional person who works in the field you are studying. For example, you may choose to interview the HRD manager from the company where you work. Start your paper with an introduction in which you clearly state your theme/purpose and lay out the major points or ideas that you will be discussing in the body of the paper. In the body of your paper, dedicate one or more paragraphs to each of your major ideas. Always back up every idea in your paper with evidence. Evidence includes facts, statistics, quotes, or examples. All evidence requires a properly cited reference. Any idea that you take from an outside source must be cited in the body of the paper at the end of the sentence, e.g., (Strubler, 2014). If you use a quote, it must include the page number also (Strubler, 2014, p. 25). Further, all references are to be listed in alphabetical order by last name of the author in the reference list. I suggest that you use the APA (American Psychological Association) system for referencing, however, other referencing systems are acceptable, e.g., Chicago, MLA, etc. Here are two examples for citing references in the body of the paper. Processes are all the integrated tasks or steps needed to reach a specific outcome (Chornesky, McCool, Byrnes, & Weber, 1992). Or if you use a quote, it should be no more than one sentence and look like this: Participants are trained in the use of problem solving techniques but with an emphasis on “understanding and continuously improving the processes that give rise to the problems” (Seymour, 1993, p. 75). How to Cite Sources for a Reference List For a book: Bohlander, G. & Snell, S. (2010). Managing human resources. (15th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western/Cengage. For a trade journal article: Blythe, A. (2008, May). Looking after the crème de las crème. Training & Coaching Today,13. For an academic journal article: Buchner, T.W. (2007). Performance management theory: A look from the performer’s perspective with implications for HRD. Human Resource Journal International, (10)1, 59-73. From a website: Voluntary Protection Programs (2011). OSHA. Accessed on March 20, 2011 at For an interview: Strubler, D.C. (May 24, 2016). Personal Communication.