This paper circulates around the core theme of Develop a formal organizational chart based on the information given. together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
Business Report:
You will be required to conduct research on Information Systems for your client.
You are required to pick a case company in one of the areas mentioned below (not limited to). Develop a proposal for a new information system for your client (NOT more than 3,500 words) detailing the requirements listed below. The proposal will help your client to make informed decision for investment in information system and to take their business to the next level.
1. Identify the company’s critical success factors and primary objectives. What types of information might be helpful in evaluating these objectives? Create a mission statement that would be appropriate for your client business.
2. Develop a formal organizational chart based on the information given.
3. Analyse the current system and identify specific control weaknesses that must be addressed by a new, improved system. As part of your analysis, prepare a document flowchart and a data flow diagram of the current system.
4. Describe the primary features of this new system and explain why this is the best solution for your client to pursue. Discuss the relevance of such advanced technologies as MRP, MRPII, and EDI as information system options.
5. The proposal should also contain the following items:
a. A description of the technology platform for the system.
b. A list of financial and nonfinancial data attributes for each entity in the ER diagram.
c. Four user views, which can be source documents or management reports. At least one view should support the needs of a non-accounting user.
d. Examine potential security risks, data breaches and provide discussion of the appropriate accounting controls for the new system.
The report should be about 3,500 words and should be submitted in a Microsoft Word format document for the client. Remember: this is a report intended to convince a board of directors to adopt your proposal. Your report must therefore be complete, yet concise; be clear and convincing, and professionally presented. Above all, the report must be specific to the needs of the business. Case Company in the areas of:
• Public Transport • Flight Centres • Real state agencies • Education • Library • Banks •
Immigration • Health • Medicine • Pollution • Manufacturing • Agriculture
Submission Requirements: The research should include a list of at least 7-10 references and a bibliography of the wider reading done to familiarize oneself with the topic. Submission: • Soft copy to self-check and Final Submission with cover sheet
You are reminded to read the “Plagiarism” section of
the course description. Your research should be a synthesis of ideas from a variety of sources expressed in your own words. All reports must use the Harvard referencing style. Marking rubrics are attached.