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Evidence 2: Exploration of your research question through second type of evidence ( survey) 2. Measures – Describe the variables in your questionnaire – If you used established scales, tell us where they come from – Explain how each scale was assessed – Give an example of one or two items – Report scale reliability (Cronbach alpha) Analytical approach (methodology) – Explain how you plan on analysing your data • Tip When writing about your sample, measures, and analytical approach, make sure to explain your choices – e.g. why interviews than questionnaires, why a particular population for sampling • Tip Be as precise as possible Reporting Results • What to include? – Table of Descriptive Statistics – Graphs (only if informative and related to the research question) – Table reporting your analysis (linear regression; moderation) – See Dr Hewett Lectures • Point to particularly salient aspects of the tables, graphs, Analytical approach (methodology) – Explain how you plan on analysing your data • Tip When writing about your sample, measures, and analytical approach, make sure to explain your choices – e.g. why interviews than questionnaires, why a particular population for sampling • *Tip* Be as precise as possible Reporting Results • What to include? – Table of Descriptive Statistics – Graphs (only if informative and related to the research question) – Table reporting your analysis (linear regression; moderation) – See Dr Hewett Lectures • Point to particularly salient aspects of the tables, graphs, or other forms of analysis you present – Try to ask yourself what story you want the table to convey and try to tell the story to your readers • *Tip* All graphs and analysis should be there to answer your research question Reporting Results • The results will be presented with little commentary in terms of the literature or the implications of your findings (that goes in Triangulation chapter) • Do not include all your results – Present only those findings that relate to your research question or other forms of analysis you present – Try to ask yourself what story you want the table to convey and try to tell the story to your readers • Tip All graphs and analysis should be there to answer your research question Reporting Results • The results will be presented with little commentary in terms of the literature or the implications of your findings (that goes in Triangulation chapter) • Do not include all your results – Present only those findings that relate to your research question Total word limit 1500 plus tables/graphs NOTE: I have already completed my survey which must be used, I have attached the results. I need to use spss in my methodology.