This paper circulates around the core theme of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) security is a new challenge that modern day corporations are increasingly facing. together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) security is a new challenge that modern day corporations are increasingly facing. Research the issue of BYOD security and write a report documenting your findings. Your report should include the following: - Introduction - Background - Security challenges posed by BYOD - Protection mechanisms - Conclusions and future trends Word limit: Between 2000 to 3000 words. Referencing All sources of information must be appropriately referenced using the APA style ( ) Rationale This assessment aims at partially achieving the following objectives: - be able to explain fundamental information security concepts; - be able to discuss and debate some of the security implications of computer networks, including cryptography; - be able to communicate factors that relate to host and data security including vulnerabilities and patches and data protection mechanisms; - be able to explain and debate issues and concepts related to management of ICT security including security planning and policy development. Marking criteria Assessable Components HD 100% - 85% DI 84% - 75% CR 84% - 75% PS 64% - 50% FL 49% - 0 Introduction (8 marks) Comprehensive introduction to the topic. Comprehensive introduction to the topic. Minor omissions only. Introduction with some omissions. Partially complete but correct introduction to the topic. Fails to satisfy the minimum requirements as stated in the assessment. Possible Marks 8.0 – 6.8 6.7 – 6.0 5.9 – 5.2 5.1 – 4.0 3.9 – 0 Background (10 marks) Comprehensive background grounded in existing literature and concepts. Comprehensive background grounded in existing literature and concepts. Minor omissions only. Background grounded in existing literature and concepts. Some omissions. Limited background information. Limited evidence of research. Fails to satisfy the minimum requirements as stated in the assessment. Possible Marks 10.0 – 8.5 8.4 – 7.5 7.4 – 6.4 6.4 – 5 4.9 – 0 Security challenges posed by BYOD (24 marks) Comprehensive description of security challenges posed by BYOD, grounded in theory and literature. Comprehensive description of security challenges posed by BYOD, grounded in theory and literature. Minor omissions only. Good description of security challenges posed by BYOD. Evidence of research. Some omissions. Limited description. Limited evidence of research. Fails to satisfy the minimum requirements as stated in the assessment. Possible Marks 24.0 – 20.4 20.16 – 18 17.76 – 15.6 15.36 – 12 11.76 – 0 Protection mechanisms (24 marks) Comprehensive description of protection mechanisms grounded in theory and literature. Comprehensive description of protection mechanisms grounded in theory and literature. Minor omissions only. Mostly comprehensive description of protection mechanisms. Evidence of research. Some omissions. Limited description. Limited evidence of research. Fails to satisfy the minimum requirements as stated in the assessment. Possible Marks 24.0 – 20.4 20.16 – 18 17.76 – 15.6 15.36 – 12 11.76 – 0 Conclusions and future trends (24 marks) Analytical and clear conclusions drawn, well grounded in theory and literature. Good development shown in summary of concepts in the conclusion based in theory/literature. Evidence of findings and conclusions grounded in theory/literature. Limited evidence of findings and conclusions supported by theory/literature. Unsubstantiated/ invalid conclusions based on anecdote and generalisation only, or no conclusions at all. Possible Marks 24.0 – 20.4 20.16 – 18 17.76 – 15.6 15.36 – 12 11.76 – 0 Presentation; referencing using APA referencing system including in text citations. (10 marks) Professionally presented report including all relevant sections as stated in the assessment. Faultless referencing, including reference list and in text citations. High quality references. Professionally presented report including all relevant sections as stated in the assessment. Minor omissions only. Very good referencing, including reference list and in text citations. High quality references. Professionally presented report including all relevant sections as stated in the assessment. Some omissions. Good referencing, including reference list and in text citations. Good quality references. Average presentation. Evidence of rudimentary referencing skills. Mix of good and poor quality references. Major omissions in presentation. Sub-standard referencing. Poor quality references. Possible Marks 10.0 – 8.5 8.4 – 7.5 7.4 – 6.5 6.4 – 5.0 4.9 – 0