This paper circulates around the core theme of Before embarking on this journey your executive leader has asked that you develop a report (see template on Moodle) that outlines your plan. together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
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Student Name:
Task: You are leading a Key Learning Area (KLA) (e.g. English) or discipline (e.g. technology) team in an educational organisation. Your primary role is to ensure your team has a sound understanding of the curriculum and is using effective teaching practices to ensure high levels of student learning are achieved. Over a course of a term you have been tasked with meeting with your team regularly to explore and collectively build their capacity in curriculum and teaching in the selected KLA/discipline. Before embarking on this journey your executive leader has asked that you develop a report (see template on Moodle) that outlines your plan.
Key Learning Area/Discipline: Stage/Year/Department (if appropriate):
Curriculum Context: Provide a short summary of the context in which the curriculum/discipline is implemented
Curriculum development: Who developed the curriculum and when?
Teaching requirements: What curriculum knowledge do teacher need to teach the curriculum?
Student learning: What are students required to learn?
Curriculum progression: How does the curriculum developmentally progress (you can use diagrams)
TEACHING KNOWLEDGE (600-800 words)
Teaching practices: What teaching practices should be considered in order to ensure high quality teaching of the KLA/discipline? Why are these teaching practices important to this particular KLA/discipline?
In consideration of instructional leadership, what professional learning strategies will you utilise to support a team to build effective knowledge and skill in the curriculum and teaching practices described above. Identify and explain 2-3 professional learning strategies. You may choose to write an action plan (see below) for this section or write it up as a discussion. Be sure to include practical strategies but justify them with literature.
Leadership Action Plan
Team considerations: What considerations do you need to plan for in order to ensure the team collectively work together to build their capacity? (approx. 100 words)
Evaluation: How will you evaluate the impact of the work you lead with your team? (approx. 50-100 words)
Leadership considerations: What leadership skills will you utilise as you lead the team and why? (approx. 200 words)
Term plan: Describe the strategies and resources you will utilise to build the capacity of the team across a school term. You may choose to write this as an action plan across a term or write this section as a discussion. (approx. 300-400 words)