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This assignment is a critical evaluation of research conducted by others; it is not an opinion piece. You will need to synthesize what you have learned so far this semester (study designs, interpretation of relative risk, odds ratios, data tables, etc), information learned from other classes in your course of study (history, geography, psychology, sociology), and apply critical analysis to a journal article. At a minimum, I would recommend 10 hours of effort to receive an adequate grade. As for this assignment range from four to eight pages of Word document on average (depending on how succinct your writing is) before being pasted into the assessment. Be detailed, be thorough; if you paste directly from the article, you will receive a 0 for the question. This single assignment is worth 100 points and translates to 12.5% of your final grade. Both assignments combined therefore are worth 25% of your final grade and are weighted in the gradebook accordingly.I suggest you do this assignment in a word processing document beforehand. If you highlight your selected text and press and hold the CTRL button and then the C button, it will copy. You then place the cursor in the answer box in BB. Press and hold the CTRL button and then the V button and it will copy your selected text into the answer box. Save as you go. This article critique assessment will be completed in Blackboard. It will consist of individual questions (how you see online test questions) composed of short answer and essay blocks. The following questions are provided so that you may prepare in advance. These are the exact questions you will be asked to answer:Reference for the Article (2 points)