This paper circulates around the core theme of Assessment item 2 Elaboration phase Value: 40% Due date: 16-Sep-2016 Return date: 13-Oct-2016 Submission method options Alternative submission method Task In this assessment item together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
Assessment item 2 Elaboration phase Value: 40% Due date: 16-Sep-2016 Return date: 13-Oct-2016 Submission method options Alternative submission method Task In this assessment item, you are required to provide the detailed architecture and design of the system presented in Assessment Item 1 in report form. The total number of words should be between 1800—2000. Please note the words included in the diagrams/figures will not be counted. Amongst the information sought are answers to the following questions: Questions you need to address are: 1. Identify and briefly describe the main functional and non-functional requirements for the major systems areas of the case study. 2. Explain the role of use cases for the creation of a domain model of the problem domain and draw use case diagrams for all systems in the case study that show all actors and use cases. 3. Draw a UML domain model class diagram for all systems in your chosen case study. Be as specific and accurate as possible, given the information provided. If needed information is not given, make realistic assumptions. 4. Review the functional and non-functional requirements for the major systems areas of the case study you have developed in question 1. Then, for each of the five design activity of SDLC, list and briefly describe some specific tasks required for each design activities (i.e., describing the environment, designing application components, user interfaces, the database, and software methods. 5. Develop a System Vision Document to give the total vision of the system and develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project’s first iteration. Rationale This assessment tasks covers the fundamental concepts of object modeling, use cases, dynamic models and has been designed to ensure that you are engaging with the subject content on a regular basis. The purpose of the assessment task is to strengthen the student`s skill in developing a detailed OO design using UML notation, based on a set of user requirements. More specifically it assess your ability to: • Apply the concepts of object orientation methodology (Learning outcome 1); • Analyse system requirements to determine the use cases and domain model of the problem domain (Learning outcome 3); • Create class diagrams and dynamic models with UML notations (Learning outcome 4); • Perform modeling of various aspects of systems to construct quality diagrams from a case study (Learning outcome 6). Marking criteria Criteria HD DI CR PS FL Q1. Identify and briefly describe the main functional and non-functional requirements for the major systems areas of the case study. Marks: 80% a)All possible functional and non-functional requirements are identified and described for the major systems areas of the case study. a)All major functional and non-functional requirements are identified and described for the major systems areas of the case study. a)Some functional and non-functional requirements are identified and described for the major systems areas of the case study. a)Few functional and non-functional requirements are identified and described for the major systems areas of the case study. a)Functional and non-functional requirements are identified with major errors. Q2. Explain the role of use cases for the creation of a domain model of the problem domain and draw use case diagrams for all systems in the case study that show all actors and use cases. Marks: 80% a)Comprehensive explanation about the role of use cases and all use case diagrams are accurate. a)Mostly comprehensive explanation about the role of use cases and all use case diagrams are mostly accurate. a)Mostly comprehensive explanation about the role of use cases and use case diagrams are mostly accurate. Minor omissions only a)Reasonable explanation about the role of use cases and use case diagrams are not always accurate. Some omissions only a)Major omissions in the explanation. Q3. Draw a UML domain model class diagram for all systems and subsystems in your chosen case study. Marks: 80% a)UML domain model class diagram is accurate for all systems and subsystems; identified all possible domain classes and some attributes, showing logical relationships among all domain classes. a)UML domain model class diagram is mainly accurate for all systems and subsystems; identified all possible domain classes and some attributes, showing logical relationships among all domain classes. Some omissions. a)UML domain model class diagram is accurate for all systems and subsystems; however domain classes and their attributes are not always accurate, logical relationships have some errors among domain classes. a)UML domain model class diagram is not always accurate for all systems and subsystems; domain classes and their attributes are not always accurate, logical relationships have some errors among domain classes. a)UML domain model class diagram have major omissions Q4. Review the functional and non-functional requirements for the major systems areas of the case study you have developed in question 1. Then, for each of the five design activities of SDLC, list and briefly describe some specific tasks required for each design activity (i.e., describing the environment, designing application components, user interfaces, the database, and software methods. Marks: 80% a)All five design activities of SDLC are accurately listed and briefly described some specific tasks required for each design activity. a)All five design activities of SDLC are mostly accurately listed and briefly described some specific tasks required for each design activity a)Four design activities of SDLC are accurately listed and briefly described some specific tasks required for each design activity. a)Four design activities of SDLC are mostly accurately listed and briefly described some specific tasks required for each design activity. a)Less than four design activities of SDLC are listed and briefly described some specific tasks required for each design activity. Major omissions in the explanation. Q5. Develop a System Vision Document to give the total vision of the system and develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project’s first iteration. Marks: 80% a)Accurate System Vision Document giving the total vision of the system including clear problem description, describe major system capabilities areas, and identify all possible business benefits a)Mostly accurate System Vision Document giving the total vision of the system including clear problem description, describe major system capabilities areas, and identify all possible business benefits a)Mostly accurate System Vision Document giving the total vision of the system including clear problem description, describe major system capabilities areas, and identify all possible business benefits. Minor omissions only a)Reasonable accuracy to develop System Vision Document which gives the vision of the system including problem description, system capabilities, and business benefits Some omissions only a)Wrong way to develop System Vision Document. Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, and Q5 Presentation and clarity (accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation) Marks: 20% b) Fluent writing style appropriate to the assignment with accurate grammar and spelling. b) Mostly Fluent writing style appropriate to assignment with accurate grammar and spelling. b) Mostly fluent writing style appropriate to the assignment with mostly accurate grammar and spelling. Minor omissions only. b) Writing style not always fluent or well organised and grammar and spelling contain errors. b) Writing style not fluent or well-organised, and many grammatical and spelling mistakes. Presentation Reports should be submitted is MS Word format, using the CSU referencing style of APA. Diagrams can be created using any available tools. Requirements As per the CSU Referencing Policy, each assessment item must indicate the style of referencing required for each task. Students should be directed to a single Guide that supports the required referencing style for each assessment task. For those tasks requiring the use of APA, students should be directed to the CSU Referencing website at Referencing requirements must be reflected in marking criteria For this assessment you are required to use APA referencing to acknowledge the sources that you have used in preparing your assessment. Please refer to the CSU referencing guide In addition a very useful tool for you to use that demonstrates how to correctly use in text referencing and the correct way to cite the reference in your reference list can be found at