This paper circulates around the core theme of a) First you need to identify the entities that related to the Auto-Part Warehouse system. together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
You need to draw ERD for Auto-Part Warehouse that including the types of relationships between the entities. (You need only to draw a diagram) Task 2: For each of the entities identified, design tables and identify the possible candidate keys, the primary key, a probable foreign key, and potential secondary keys.
a) First you need to identify the entities that related to the Auto-Part Warehouse system. b) Create a table to each entity that you identify as shown below:
For example; one of the entities that you identify is Parts.
Part: Part Number Store Number Part Description Quantity Cost
The possible Keys
Candidate keys Primary key Foreign key Secondary keys
Task 3: Create fully normalized 3NF table designs for the system.
Create 3NF table designs should include all the entities that you identified in Task 2. Task 4: Suggest ways Auto-Parts Warehouse can use codes to simplify output, input, and data formats