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Student Assignment Covering Form
(Edexcel) BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma
Unit No.
Unit 16
Unit Name
Communications, Knowledge and Information
Unit code
Instructor Information
Full/ Part Assignment
Date Assignment Issued
November 20, 2016
Date Assignment Due
December 24, 2016
(To be filled by the student prior
submitting the assignment)
Date of Submission
the submissions to be done through LMS,
no email or other format will be accepted.
Assignment covering form is an integral part of the assignment document and
should be submitted along with all submissions.
Student Declaration
I, hereby confirm that this assignment is my own work and
not copied or plagiarized. It has not previously been submitted as part of any
assessment for this qualification. All the sources, from which information has
been obtained for this assignment, have been referenced as per Harvard
Referencing format. I further confirm that I have read and understood the
Westford School of Management rules and regulations about plagiarism and
copying and agree to be bound by them.
Students Signature : (signed)
Student Name :
Date :
(Please read the instructions carefully)
1. Complete the title page with
all necessary student details and ensure that the signature of the student is
marked in the declaration form.
All assignments must be submitted as an electronic document in MS Word to
the LMS (Use 12 Times New Roman script).
3. Assignment that is not
submitted to the LMS by the prescribed deadline will be accepted ONLY under the
REDO and RESIT submission policy of Westford.
4. The report should be
grammatically correct and word processed. Pages should be numbered.
5. You will PASS the full
assignment task only if you achieve “AC Met” in each of the Assessment Criteria,
you will need to ensure you submit the assignment on time and achieve all the
required grade descriptors on the first attempt.
6. While answering any assignment
task, student must provide evidence that learning outcomes of the subject have
been met.
The answers should
include Table of Contents, followed by writing each AC and thereafter answering
the questions in the given sequence.
The answers wherever
applicable should specifically relate to the happenings in the case study and
certain assumptions can be made while answering questions, when trying to
relate the theoretical aspects with the actual case study happenings.
Strict adherence to
Harvard Referencing System (in-text citation and references cited at the end of
the document) is mandatory.
While answering the
Questions, students are expected to ensure that the Questions and AC’s are the
same as provided by the faculty and the format as laid down in the assignment.
While submitting a
REDO, use a separate cover sheet and answer the REDO answer separately at the
end of the document while retaining the existing comments of previous
The results are
declared only if the student has met the mandatory attendance requirement of
75% and/or a minimum of 50% under extenuating circumstances approved and
ratified by the Academic Director. The student has to repeat the module (with
additional fees applicable) if the attendance is below 50%.
Submit the
assignment in a MS Word document with the file name being:
Student ID_First Name Last Name_ abbreviation of the
subject_ Assignment.
Example: J65-1406-001_John
Doe _BS_ Assignment.
Kindly note that the assignment will be
rejected and marked as “REDO” if any of the above said guidelines are not met.
If the student do not clear the assignment
in the first attempt (with all ACs Met), the following conditions apply:
REDO the assignment and submit on the fresh submission
If the student does not PASS in the first REDO attempt,
Resit-1 with a fine of AED 250 is applicable.
If the student does not PASS in the Resit-1 attempt,
Resit-2 with a fine of AED 250 is applicable.
If the student does not PASS in the Resit-2 attempt, the
student has to retake the module paying the fees applicable
Quick reference Checklist for the
Faculty/Instructor to accept/reject the assignment before evaluation:
Adherence to the deadline of submission date.
Original cover sheet and format retained.
Student information and signature intact.
Font style and size used as instructed.
Harvard Referencing System and Citations are strictly
In addition to the above PASS criteria,
this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to
achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades
Grade Descriptor
Indicative characteristic/s
M1 Identify and apply strategies
to find appropriate solutions
An effective approach to study and research has been
To achieve M1, you have to show through your work that
an effective approach to study and research has been applied. You will do
effective research to discuss factors considered important while developing the
business strategy.
M2 Select / design and apply
appropriate methods / techniques
A range of sources of information has been used
To achieve M2, you will have to use a range of information
in your work. Strict adherence to Harvard Referencing System is mandatory.
M3 Present and communicate
appropriate findings
The appropriate structure and approach has been used
To achieve M3 you have to demonstrate through your
work that an appropriate structure and approach has been used while doing
your research. The work you present will use appropriate structure and
approach and also will use business terminology accurately.
D1 Use critical reflection to
evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions
Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of
ideas and have been justified
To achieve D1 you will have drawn conclusions through
synthesis of ideas which have been justified.
D2 Take responsibility for
managing and organising activities
Activities have been managed
To achieve D2 you will have demonstrated that all the
activities have been managed. You will have demonstrated an effective
approach to independent research and study and done logical analysis of
different analytical approaches. You also should have submitted all your assignment
tasks by the given due date and time.
D3 Demonstrate convergent
/lateral / creative thinking
Problems have been solved
To achieve D3 you
will have to demonstrate excellent lateral thinking in an unfamiliar context.
Please note that for unit assignments assessors should use these or
other exemplar indicative characteristics for the individual grade descriptors
from Annex C of the HN specification or any other relevant indicative
characteristics for the particular assignment. The indicative characteristic
should then be contextualised. Only one indicative characteristic per grade
descriptor, M1, M2, M3, D1, D2, D3 is required.
Task 1 (L.O1: ACs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4)
of this assignment: Understand how to assess information and
knowledge needs
Case scenario: You are
required to choose an organization of your preference (which can be the
organization, you are currently associated or any other organization, on
which you can obtain pertinent information to answer the following questions.

McDonald`s is an American ground
cheeseburger and fast food bistro control. It was set up in 1940 as a fire
copy burger joint worked by Richard and Maurice McDonald. In 1948, they
redesigned their business as a cheeseburger stand, using course of events
benchmarks. The control McDonald`s foundation opened in Phoenix in 1953 using
the turns logo. Star Ray Kroc joined the relationship as a foundation head in
1955 and in like way got the chain from the McDonald family. Made in Oak
Brook, Illinois, McDonald`s requested structures to move its general home
office to Chicago by mid 2018.
Today, McDonald`s is the world`s
most unmistakable eatery setup, serving around 68 million customers
particularly requested in 119 countries transversely over around 36,538
outlets. McDonald`s in a general sense offers burgers, cheeseburgers, chicken
things, french fries, wraps, breakfast things, pop pops, milkshakes, and
warmed stock. By uprightness of changing purchaser tastes, the association
has extended its menu to union servings of blended greens, point, wraps,
smoothies and trademark thing. A McDonald`s burger joint is worked by either
a franchisee, a range, or the association itself. The McDonald`s Corporation
pay begin from the rent, impacts, and charges paid by the franchisees, in
like way arrangements in affiliation worked burger joints. As appeared by a
BBC report scattered in 2012, McDonald`s is the world`s second most key
private business (behind Walmart with 1.9 million supervisors), 1.5 million
of whom work for foundations.
McDonald`s Vision
The brand vision is "To be
the best brisk affiliation café inclusion". Being the best means giving
dazzling quality, union, cleanliness, and respect, so we make each client in
Vision of McDonald`s
presentation covers assembled business focuses. The union finds progress to
fulfill current market needs, as gave in the "contemporary client
encounter" part of the vision illuminating. In addition, portrays its
things in the "mammoth tasting, unprecedented sustenance" bit of
the vision chart. In saying "cutting edge, part" McDonald`s
presentations that its vision verbalization charts the sort of business approach
it utilizes for good `ol composed progress. A key target connected with this
vision light is the progress of McDonald`s stock and attempts to match
customer inclinations and longings.
McDonald`s Mission
The brand mission "Is to be
our client`s first decision, concerning, beat quality things, bewil