This paper circulates around the core theme of 1) Provide an overview and description of the nominated websites together with its essential aspects. It has been reviewed and purchased by the majority of students thus, this paper is rated 4.8 out of 5 points by the students. In addition to this, the price of this paper commences from £ 99. To get this paper written from the scratch, order this assignment now. 100% confidential, 100% plagiarism-free.
The purpose of the report is to provide a critical evaluation of the nominated websites and to support your observations and recommendation convincingly. Your report should include:
1) Provide an overview and description of the nominated websites. 2) Identify and elaborate the main features of the websites, drawing on your first impression of the websites, accessibility, navigation, homepage pretest, etc. (Refer to Powell,T 2002. Web Design: The Complete Reference, 2nd Ed, Chapter 5, 3) Compare and contrast the two websites against the HCI design principles and usability principles. 4) Based on your critique and analysis in items (1) to (3) above, provide a recommendation on how the websites should be improved. Conversely, if further improvement is not required, then provide the reasons why that this is the case