Elements describe the essential outcomes. | Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. |
1 | Access information about rail safety, WHS/OHS and organisational policies and procedures | 1.1 | Relevant provisions of rail safety and WHS/OHS legislation and codes of practice are identified |
1.2 | Information on organisational rail safety and WHS/OHS policies and procedures is stored in a readily accessible location and manner |
1.3 | Information is accurately interpreted and clearly explained to the appropriate personnel |
2 | Develop options to control rail safety and WHS/OHS risks | 2.1 | Hazard register, outcomes of previous incident investigations, and risk assessments are reviewed to identify possible rail safety and WHS/OHS hazards and/or risks requiring control action |
2.2 | Rail safety, WHS/OHS legislation and standards are used to develop a range of options to control specific risks in the workplace |
2.3 | Principles of the hierarchy of control are applied when developing risk-control options |
2.4 | Input is sought from stakeholders and workplace personnel as required |
2.5 | Advice from rail safety officers and WHS/OHS specialists and technical advisors is sought as required |
3 | Select appropriate options to control rail safety and WHS/OHS risks | 3.1 | Outcomes of risk assessments are used to select appropriate options to control risks |
3.2 | Selected risk controls are prioritised |
3.3 | Factors that may potentially limit effectiveness of controls are identified |
3.4 | Stakeholders and workplace personnel are consulted when selecting appropriate control options as required |
3.5 | Recommended risk controls are communicated to stakeholders and workplace personnel |
4 | Implement rail safety and WHS/OHS risk controls | 4.1 | Appropriate authority and relevant resources to implement controls are identified and applied |
4.2 | Actions required to control risks are implemented |
4.3 | Stakeholders and workplace personnel are consulted with and involved in implementing risk controls |
5 | Contribute to monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of risk controls | 5.1 | Effectiveness of implemented risk controls is evaluated, in consultation with stakeholders as required |
5.2 | Compliance with any new procedures is monitored and documented in accordance with organisational procedures |
5.3 | Workplace sources of information and data are accessed if required, to evaluate effectiveness of risk controls and to check for new hazards introduced as a result of controls |
5.4 | Areas for further improvement are identified in consultation with stakeholders and appropriate action is taken |
5.5 | Assistance is provided in developing and documenting an improvement plan when requested |